Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Rocks of Rio: Shapes and Decays

All rocks on earth change according to their environment. Where it's located. What is the climate. Is it hot, cold, humid and what makes the rocks change. How do the rocks get shaped. what makes the shape. Location and climate have a lot to do with the rock formation where the observation is taking place. Since Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is located in South America, the weather is really hot, and humid. There is beach and mountains that are different sizes. the rocks, rock formation, mountain shape are based on three types of rock. igneous rock which is crystalized and has magma. sedimentary rock, which has layers and strata striations and metamorphic being the last one. Metamorphic rocks are rocks that change its size or shape due to heat and pressure. It's an overall change. In Rio de Janeiro, the majority of rock consists of metamorphosed granite. The combining forces in its region make these steep mountains metamorphic.
A steep mountain consisting the metamorphic rock with granite. the rock is exposed due to combo fractures, climate and weather decaying.
 When south america and africa split and became two different continents the rocks created weak fractures and minerals reacted to the granite, (the main mineral in Rio's rocks) it created a tropical chemical weathering, and the hot weather in Rio formed what is called sugarloaf-domes all over rio. the domes are caused by exfoliation sheets. This helps the environment around Rio de Janiero to maintain its rainforest, a rainforest.
process of rock weathering
an example of a sugarloaf-dome rock formation in one of Rio's national Parks
One of the hot spots to visit while in Rio is Arpoador Beach. which is combining two beaches and two parks by one rock formation. The rock is Arpoador stone that comes out form the ocean directly. It's shape and size is unique because its smooth and shaped in a way where you can do activities while on top of the rock. like a very popular one for centuries. Whale hunting with harpoons  
picture of Arpoador Park/beach featuring the "pedra do Arpoador(Arpoador rock) combining two parks and two beaches together.

Class Lecture: earths innards